Category Archives: Seminars

Integrated Environmental Humanities and Global Change, October 6, 2015

A seminar with Steven Hartman

Photo Steven Hartman on 2014-05-27 at 14.14 (1)

Steven Hartman is Professor of English Literature and academic leader of the Eco-Humanities Hub at Mid Sweden University. Hartman’s current work focuses on environmental consciousness in literature and the tracing of environmental memory in medieval Icelandic sagas. Together with Thomas McGovern, he coordinates the Circumpolar Networks program of IHOPE (The Integrated History and Future of People on Earth), a core project of the Future Earth. He is also chair of the Nordic Network for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies (NIES).

nies-logga copy jpeg2000jpegCheck out Steven’s post “Unpacking the Black Box: the need for Integrated Environmental Humanities” on the Future Earth blog.

This seminar will consist of discussion of Steven Hartman’s pre-circulated work in progress.